Received a phone call from 8456021111? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 6215 times.

The owner of this number will be informed of your comment by e-mail immediately.

[email protected]

it phoned at 6am then 7am so woke us up twice. did not want to press "1" as instructed. Annoyed and concerned. It might have been a supplier who stupidly sent a text message to the landline but don't know

[email protected]

it phoned at 6am then 7am so woke us up twice. did not want to press "1" as instructed. Annoyed and concerned. It might have been a supplier who stupidly sent a text message to the landline but don't know


Parcelforce SMS text service about a delivery


Parcelforce SMS text service about a delivery

Customer ID : 5733091

!!!! The real story of Deep state that the FAKE left media are NOT talking about !!!!!!! READ IT AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED THAT EVERYTHING IS 100% TRUE !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!


“No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”
­—President Donald J. Trump

An explosive, whistle-blowing expose, Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of Donald Trump by the Swamp reveals how Deep State actors relied on a cynical plug-and-play template to manufacture the now-discredited Russiagate scandal. With the cutting analysis and insight he exhibited in his blockbuster bestseller Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, Fox News contributor Bongino exposes who masterminded the dangerous playbook to take down Trump, their motives, and how a plan filled with faked allegations backfired—forcing investigators to up the ante and hide their missteps and half-truths in a desperate effort to prove a collusion case that never happened. The result? The misguided multimillion Mueller investigation that tore the nation apart, tried to destabilize the presidency and led, as the world now knows, to nowhere!


If your landline phone can except messages from a mobile,this is what it is.It is not a scam..


This is a message from a mobile. Not a scam.


This number has callss me 38 times over 72 hours, from 9am to 9pm. I dont ever answer it but it is worrying when you get calls later at night


This number called me twice in less than ten mins I have blocked the number so far so good.


These people have rung me this afternoon 8 times. Do they seriously think I am going to answer. Absolute idiots but unfortunately annoying.


Last year I was getting them all through the night and day, they come up as a blocked number, but it still rings. I thought they'd given up but no here we go again!

Ringing 6:43am this is getting to be a joke. Nobody rings the house at that time in the morning unless it's an emergency, so my mind immdeately goes to the worst thought.

These people have have no consideration for time zones

United Kingdom United Kingdom


I have just received a phone bill from my mobile phone provider which states that I called this SCAM NUMBER and apparently spent an hour and a half on the call which was charged at 55p / minute. £46 charge !

I have a £12 sim card and have NEVER gone over the limit since I had the card and I certainly did NOT make any call to the SCAM NUMBER for an hour and a half. So please BEWARE ! No one else has access to my phone as I live alone.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Received a call from them at 2,18am. Definitely not amused,

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Received a call from them at 2,18am. Definitely not amused,

United Kingdom United Kingdom


This number rang before 9am n when I answered it was just numbers being spoken by a machine - we are on TPS so why are we STILL getting these calls!

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Seven calls in 30 minutes, never leave a message.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Must have missed a call from this number before 09:00 AM
From what I can glean, this is a number used by BT to send a text message from a third party sender, so probably useful for scammers as well as genuine senders alike.

To turn this off, call 08005875252, where there is a menu system to limit or kill the service.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Phoned me too this afternoon, said to 'press one' etc. ignored it and replaced receiver.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


this number has phoned me about 6 times this morning, i did not answer it as i did not know the number, thanks to everyone for letting me know this could be a scam

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Non stop nuisance calls hourly, just ignored all as have clocked it's a spam call of sorts.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Exactly same experience as "annoyed
2month(s) ago / 2014-03-13"

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Just had this number twice..saying they were SMS messaging service with a message from (none of my numbers)..to listen press 1..to save press 2..to delete press 3. Another scam me thinks!! just hung up and will continue to do so.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


1200 am more than once

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Constant calls.

Let us know about 8456021111

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