Received a phone call from 052744840? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 961 times.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


they are a right pain in the but keeps saying computer needs looking at I just listen to them and when you can talk I say very nicely go and f........ of makes me sick they do

United States United States


These two numbers (one without the preceding "0" and one with) have been trying to call me on my cell phone at least twice a day for weeks. After the first few attempts I put the numbers on my phone's "auto-reject" list, so the phone no longer rings when the call is generated, but my phone still shows me every number that it has rejected. I assume my number and others are generated and dialed by a computer, which obviously cannot respond to my phone's automated message that says something like "all calls from this number are rejected." If you are dealing with the same issue, check your phone and if it's a fairly modern one, you're likely to have the same kind of auto-reject feature. If your phone doesn't have this feature, then consider downloading a program like "Norton Security" which offers the same feature. Hope this helps.

United States United States


They are trying to get remote access to your computer so that they can hack your info

United States United States


this number calls at least 3 times a day for last couple of weeks
sometimes it shows as 052744840 or 527-448-40
never leaves a message. I don't answer unknown callers

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