Received a phone call from 052205800? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 583 times.

Malaysia Malaysia


miscall 3x,bila call balik machine yg jawab dan suruh hold on to customer servise yg sampai 5min pun tak da orang jawab.

Malaysia Malaysia



United States United States


According to which listed numbers of telemarketers/suspicious phone numbers to block and avoid this number belong to...
A-Asign Corporation Sdn Bhd
- Telemarketing business for Astro Product.
After further checks, below are more info on the company...
- Registration No.: 641755-U
- Industry: Advertising / Marketing / Promotion / PR
- Petaling Jaya Branch (Wisma Ali Bawal):
Mr Ng: 012-3991153
Miss Esther: 012-2121224
Office: 03-76202367

- Ipoh Branch (Wisma Bougainvillea):
Mr Dave: 012-2356084
Miss Shanti:016-5675209
Office: 05-2360919

Singapore Singapore


repeating calls or miss call from this number - 052205800

Let us know about 052205800

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