Received a phone call from 02032894455? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 1040 times.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


just received a call from "Accident Investigation Department" (tel: 02032894455) about a traffic accident in the last 3 years. I'm also on the Telephone Preference Service list so one of my first questions was 'Where did you get my number?'
Can't remember what the reply was but I told her she better go back to them and check their info as we've not had a traffic accident!
Must admit one of my concerns of being 'rude' to these type of firms is that they'll pass on my number to even more scammers.

United States United States


Scammer about an accident I didn't have.
Woman voice.
Told her to practice self procreation.

Let us know about 02032894455

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