Received a phone call from 01942614100? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 1196 times.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


This number calls me at least twice a day. They told me they are sub-contractors for my energy company and that I am using an obselete meter which they intend to come and replace. I told them I know nothing about them and my energy did not inform me. The person told me to call my energy company. I asked them to confirm what they intend to do in writing and they refused.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


I am most suspicious of this outfit. I used to be with SSE the morons who pay millions on monkey adverts and overcharge the customer by making mistakes on the billing. Anyway I changed to OVO, what a great company, SERIOUSLY GOOD. 6 months ago and I enter my meter readings every month. They confirmed they dont use 01942614100. I guess they are an agency who charge the utility for a service not asked for OR could it those ***** at SSE not having worked out that I moved on 6 months ago. Could be. Go to OVO you wont regret it.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

lex watt

yes its from a meter reading company, i didnt quite catch the name but they are doing it for all/any energy suppliers

United Kingdom United Kingdom


? nick name, or what?

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Had a call from this number claiming to be from Good Energy, my energy supplier, and demanding a meter reading. When I told the caller I wasn't at home he demanded to know what time he could ring me back tonight. He was quite rude and pushy, so I plan to complain to Good Energy about him. Also, this is a stupid way to get meter readings, as well as an intrusive one.

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