Received a phone call from 01856872619? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 163 times.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

M Clarke

Got a call from this number at 11:09. First they asked if my number was a business number (which immediately set off my alarm bells), then they said that they were from the "Technical Help Line", were calling about a computer problem and was I the main user of computers at my address.

I told him that there were no computer problems and not to call back.

Very clearly dodgy.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Got a call from 01856872619. Really creepy bloke. I asked him for his details as we are on the TPS. He said he wanted my email address so he could send them. I refused at which point he said that he already had it and we would be hearing from him again. Very unpleasant.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Aine Canavan

I got a call today at about 13.45 from 01856872619. The woman who called asked me for my partner, they said to him that they were checking if he had a computer account. He doesn't actually but said `there's no need to check anything here, everything is fine' and that ended the conversation but I felt uncomfortable about this.

Let us know about 01856872619

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