Received a phone call from 0089460077? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 569 times.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


I bought a new phone a few days ago (Mon 01/058/16) and now have a bog standard pay & go. I toped it up with £10 on the day I bought it in the )2 shop then a day or two later a message popped up on my phone saying I only had £3.50 credit left. I couldn't understand why as I had not made one singe phone call, text message or picture message so all the £10 should have still been there. In fact I hadn't used my phone at all except to send two messages through facebook whilst in my house with the wifi on my phone switched on and was I told these type of messages are free anyway. It turned out data roaming was automatically switched on on the phone when I got the phone so that ended up using £2 (now switched off) I have now been told that if you leave data roaming on it can cost you money, but I didn't know that. I contacted o2 and they said that I had sent a message or called to a premium rate number. I said NO I hadn't as I didn't even know any premium rate numbers and had to ask them to provide me with the number the call/message had gone to. The number they gave me was 0089460077. I then said that if I had made a call/text to any number at all then it would be on my call/message log and there was nothing there at all so I couldn't have made the call/text. This cost me about £4.50 and I don't even know how it happened without my knowledge. Nobody else had access to my phone either. O2 said to contact our internet provider as it could have been them. But I don't know how them or someone else could make a call from your number without having access to the phone. And I don't know who this number belongs to anyway. I am not likely to call/text a premium rate number without even knowing the number in the first place. I had to get 02 to provide me with the number that the call/text was sent to as there was no record of it on my phone. How does this happen?

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