Received a phone call from 7624803040? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 430 times.

Greece Greece


I believe also that the reason they sent the message with text in your mobile is to call them back to charge you... I answer from my icloud account and I haven't any answer yet....

Greece Greece


Hi Lara I took the same mail with you yesterday, I think is fake, but I answer to them! ... There is no problem I suppose, if you don't connect with the link address they gonna sent. If I have any answer from them I will post a report to this forum

Spain Spain


I got this message this morning I was suspicious because the number was +7777777. I would say this is a scam and not to email him as just recently I had not been getting emails from an advertising website and found out someone sent an email which sets up blocks so you don't get emails and thus lose business also peoples want to book they send deposits to him and not me! Ive changed passwords and emails etc So be aware

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Thanks everyone. Not replying to this dodgy guy.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


James01 at it again.Just received message to rent out a property

United Kingdom United Kingdom


I've just received the same message

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Just had the same text re our holiday home. Definitely a scam. Had a number of these last year but all via e mail.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Had it too - what do they get out if it?

Switzerland Switzerland


had same text sms today... definitely scam!
thanx to everybody posting here so I will not reply..
be careful and report it.

Let us know about 7624803040

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