Received a phone call from 7605676910? Let us know why and when ;). FindWhoCallsMe.com is a free reverse phone number lookup directory.

This number was checked by the visitors 316 times.

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United States United States

Tina Turner

Called and said that they had talked to my husband about doing work on my house. I told them no you didn't that is a lie. He said I talked with your husband. He is a contractor. I said no again you lie and I would not do business with unethical liars. He said he would bet me $5 that he did talk to my husband. LOL My husband has been deployed for 6 months. If my husband was a contractor why would I need one? There is a work truck parked in front of our house that is a contractor's truck. I asked them to remove my name and number from their list and he stated that they wouldn't do that. I have blocked their number. Obnoxious Ass.

United States United States


no one answered ...did not seem to be a computer call

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