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Хозяйка этого номера Тантумиха Верде Форте проживающая в селе Джумайловка и занимается тем что помогает всяким ясновидящим обзывать Украину и желает ей смерти.Особа люто не навидит Украинцев и считает

Хозяйка этого номера Тантумиха Верде Форте проживающая в селе Джумайловка и занимается тем что помогает всяким ясновидящим обзывать Украину и желает ей смерти.Особа люто не навидит Украинцев и считает из низшей нацией.Знакома со знаменитой ведьмаркой Тихой.Проживает это тело по адресу:Красодарская область,Калиниградский Район в Хуторе Джумайловка.Пути нахождения если хотите обьебать ее харчками за ненависть Улица Александра Безгласного параллельно идет Улице Братьев Сепановых.Одноэтажный дом под номером 24.

215 Lakefront Circle Summersale Al Wheels Up

This call is regarding ****. Unfortunately at this time to pursue him party has actively open those legal complaint against you we are calling to notify you that you have been placed on your schedule to be served legal field documents sometime this month you have the legal right to mediation and a return call as necessary to address the petition in our office. Please be advised the ones who are located can you do for our rights to mediation, please feel free to contact our office. Regarding your complaint with the legal department at 650-281-2651. No response as needed. If you or your attorney is aware of the list the delivery service for this complaint have a blessed day.

215 Lakefront Circle Summersale Al Wheels Up

This call is regarding ****. Unfortunately at this time to pursue him party has actively open those legal complaint against you we are calling to notify you that you have been placed on your schedule to be served legal field documents sometime this month you have the legal right to mediation and a return call as necessary to address the petition in our office. Please be advised the ones who are located can you do for our rights to mediation, please feel free to contact our office. Regarding your complaint with the legal department at 650-281-2651. No response as needed. If you or your attorney is aware of the list the delivery service for this complaint have a blessed day.

215 Lakefront Circle Summersale Al Wheels Up

This call is regarding ****. Unfortunately at this time to pursue him party has actively open those legal complaint against you we are calling to notify you that you have been placed on your schedule to be served legal field documents sometime this month you have the legal right to mediation and a return call as necessary to address the petition in our office. Please be advised the ones who are located can you do for our rights to mediation, please feel free to contact our office. Regarding your complaint with the legal department at 650-281-2651. No response as needed. If you or your attorney is aware of the list the delivery service for this complaint have a blessed day.

Christine Fedler Killian game player

This call is regarding ****. Unfortunately at this time to pursue him party has actively open those legal complaint against you we are calling to notify you that you have been placed on your schedule to be served legal field documents sometime this month you have the legal right to mediation and a return call as necessary to address the petition in our office. Please be advised the ones who are located can you do for our rights to mediation, please feel free to contact our office. Regarding your complaint with the legal department at 650-281-2651. No response as needed. If you or your attorney is aware of the list the delivery service for this complaint have a blessed day.

Christine Fedler Killian game player

This call is regarding ****. Unfortunately at this time to pursue him party has actively open those legal complaint against you we are calling to notify you that you have been placed on your schedule to be served legal field documents sometime this month you have the legal right to mediation and a return call as necessary to address the petition in our office. Please be advised the ones who are located can you do for our rights to mediation, please feel free to contact our office. Regarding your complaint with the legal department at 650-281-2651. No response as needed. If you or your attorney is aware of the list the delivery service for this complaint have a blessed day.

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